sábado, 24 de marzo de 2007

Andres Di Tella en Stanford

"The Political and Autobiographical in Film."


Andrés Di Tella, one of the most exciting young film artists working in Latin America today, directed Montoneros, una historia (1995), Prohibido (1997), and La television y yo (2002). He was also responsible for the artistic direction of the collective project Historias de Argentina en Vivo (2001). He was the founding director of the International Independent Film Festival of Buenos Aires. In 1996, he was honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship and has held a visiting professorship at Princeton University. He has served as director of Princetons annual documentary film festival for the past four years. His current project is entitled Fotografias (2007). He is the author of ANDRES DI TELLA: CINE DOCUMENTAL Y ARCHIVO PERSONAL.

March 7, 2007. Bolivar House. 1.15pm.
Stanford University Center for Latin American Studies


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